Michelle writes in stereotypical pink.
Max writes in stereotypical blue.
But don't get it twisted. We are not stereotypical.

Monday, December 27, 2010

"Do you know what time it is?!"

Forgive us for lagging in the posts, y'all. It's the holidays (Happy Holidays! I hope all your wishes came true!), Max just graduated (woooohoooo!), and we're now in separate parts of the country visiting family. However, before we left, something happened that I wanted to share with you.

Most people don't decide to go into Starbucks in 30 degree weather and order an iced-coffee. So what can you do if it's freezing and you want a cold drink? Well, Max recently had an epiphany about that particular dilemma.

Here is our exact conversation: 

"Do you know what time it is!"
"Tool time?"
"Time for you to get a watch??"
"T-shirt time???"

Max endorses this product
Oh god. This could be dangerous. 

While we're on the topic of booze, I should probably tell you about Napa. Who knew it was only an hour away from the city! We went on a dark, rainy day while Max's parents were visiting and they took us to a castle winery

There were sheep, skeletons, a dungeon and a torture chamber. Yes! Oh, and wine!
Before the tour, Baby Max got sick and although I was supportive for the duration of his sickness, held his hand and let him know it was okay to say no to the tour, in my head I was saying, "Don't do this to me. You need to get better so I can see the freakin castle!" Thankfully, his sickness cleared while on the tour and we were able to enjoy the deeeelicious wine at the end. Take it from someone who is not classy enough to like wine: this was amazing. They even host holiday parties throughout the year. Who wants to come with us?! 

Hot shower, cold beer is probably the best invention ever. It has served me well on many a cold day. Speaking of a cold day, the castle was freaking awesome. They have a room where you can hear whispers from all the way on the other end of the room. The torture chamber was great and gave me many ideas in case anyone disrupted my hot shower/cold beer time. mwuhahahaha

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